During the summer months, many migrant workers that come to our area. A project is called “Friends of the Field” assists these workers with basic necessities. These people are under the care of a person from our diocese who takes it upon herself to pick up from the churches supplies that are desperately needed.
As a Franciscan Fraternity, we will also partake of this effort.
The migrant workers are in need of the following items:
Bath Towels
Tooth Brushes
Wash Cloths
Tooth Paste
Shaving Cream
Light colored baseball caps (Size 8-9)
Fraternity member are asked to please bring these items to our monthly meetings, and Theresa will collect. The project will continue all summer.
Friends and family of fraternity members may deliver these items to members of the fratenrity, who will bring them to a meeting.
We need to do Corporal Works of Mercy this Jubilee Year. These people help put food on our tables.